Security Film

Sесuritу window film iѕ an undеtесtаblе sheet that adds a рrоtесtivе layer to glаѕѕ thаt hоldѕ your раnе together, defending аgаinѕt ѕсrаtсhеѕ, ѕhаttеring and thе likе. In some саѕеѕ, ѕесuritу windоw film iѕ еvеn bullеt-рrооf! Imаginе that, a burglаr аttеmрtѕ to ѕhооt or breakdown уоur glass only to diѕсоvеr it rеfuѕеѕ to budgе bесаuѕе you’ve gоt an inviѕiblе layer of security film holding it tоgеthеr:

Sаfеtу & Sесuritу Windоw Filmѕ provide a рrоtесtivе bаrriеr between the intеriоr оf уоur hоmе оr оffiсе building аnd еxtеriоr threats such as storms, nаturаl disasters, forced entry оr even terrorism attacks. These films, available in a vаriеtу of thiсknеѕѕеѕ and VLT’ѕ, аrе dеѕignеd tо hold windоw glаѕѕ fragments tоgеthеr, reducing potential injury аnd/оr damage frоm flying shards of glass.

Anchoring systems are also available, and security film works well with silent alarms.

Burglars can still get in through your windows if they manage to push it out or drive enough force into it with something like a car.

Safety Security film is also used for to prevent glass breakage from such high-impact forces as:

  • Earth Quakes
  • Storms
  • Bomb Impacts
  • Natural Disasters
  • Break-ins

Anchoring systems are also available, and security film works well with silent alarms.


Break Strength

How much strength the film can take per sq. inch

Elongation at Break

If the window was to be pushed in stretching the film.


How thick the film is.

Ultra Violet Rejection

How much UV rejection is in this film.

Peel Strength

How much force it is to remove the film per sq. inch.

Total Solar Energy Rejection

How much solar heat is rejected with this film.

Tensile Breakage

The resistance of the film before breaking under tension.

Infrared Rejection

portion of the suns spectrum that carries the heat energy. More you reduce the infrared energy the more you reduce the heat gain coming into the building.

Shades / (VLT) Visual Light Transmission

Shades / VLT is showing you how much light comes through the window film.

7Mil Silver Security Film

7Mil film is commonly used on home & store front windows. It is very difficult to gain entry. This 2 in 1 Silver Security Film has a privacy 1 way mirror and high heat rejection built into it.

7mil Glass Breakage Is 180 LBS Per Square Inch.
Elongation At Break 140%
Peel Strength 7lb /inch
Ultra Violet Block 99%
Total Solar Energy Rejection 80%
Infrared Rejection 90%
Shades / (VLT) 100%
7Mil Silver Security Film

7Mil Security Film

7Mil film is commonly used on home & store front windows. It is very difficult to gain entry.

7mil Glass Breakage Is 180 LBS Per Square Inch.
Elongation At Break 140%
Peel Strength 7lb /inch
Ultra Violet Block 99%
Total Solar Energy Rejection 17%
Shades / (VLT) 100%
7Mil Security Film

8Mil Security Film

8Mil film is commonly used on home & store front windows. It is extremely difficult to gain entry.

8mil Glass Breakage Is 224 LBS Per Square Inch.
Elongation At Break 140%
Peel Strength 7lb /inch
Ultra Violet Block 99%
Total Solar Energy Rejection 18%
Shades / (VLT) 100%
8Mil Security Film

12Mil Security Film

We recommend that businesses or homes with greater security needs such as Banks, Jewelry stores, Government Buildings purchase the 12mil or 15mil window film. It is almost impossible to gain entry through a window with this film on the glass.

12mil Glass Breakage Is 336 LBS Per Square Inch.
Elongation At Break 140%
Peel Strength 7lb /inch
Ultra Violet Block 99%
Total Solar Energy Rejection 18%
Shades / (VLT) 100%
12Mil Security Film

15Mil Security Film

Use the 15 mil film to have the highest security possible for your needs. You cant get anymore secure with a thick layer, tear resistant polyester film.

15mil Glass Breakage Is 420 LBS Per Square Inch.
Elongation At Break 140%
Peel Strength 7lb /inch
Ultra Violet Block 99%
Total Solar Energy Rejection 19%
Shades / (VLT) 100%
15Mil Security Film